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آموزش JavaScript از ابتدا برای تازه کاران

آموزش JavaScript از ابتدا برای تازه کاران

در این آموزش تصویری با برنامه نویسی JavaScript آشنا می شوید .
این دوره آموزشی محصول موسسه Udemy می باشد .

سرفصل های دوره:

معرفی JavaScript
راه اندازی JavaScript
کار با متغیرها و عملیات پایه
کار با متغیرها در JavaScript
کار با اپراتور ها
عملیات کار با رشته ها
کار با نوع داده booleans
کار با دستور شرطی if
کار با حلقه while
کار با حلقه for
شکلهای هندسی اولیه در مقابل اشیاء
کار با آرایه ها در JavaScript
اضافه کردن و حذف عناصر
کار با رشته ها
کار با توابع در JavaScript
عنوان دوره: Udemy JavaScript from Scratch for Very Beginners
مدرس : Juriy Bura

این فیلم آموزشی اوریجینال بوده و به زبان انگلیسی ساده و روان ، در محیط نرم افزار و قابل درک برای همه تدریس می گردد

Effective JavaScript language basics course for absolute beginners by the author of the book “Pro Android Web Game Apps\". You will learn how to install the environment on your PC and begin writing real code using one of the most popular and fun programming languages. You will master the basic JavaScript language constructs: variables, data types, loops, conditional operators, arrays and objects.
The course is for everyone. No specific programming knowledge is required. If you already have some experience with programming, you will grasp the core faster.
All you need is a PC or Mac and a text editor. You will learn how to install and configure other tools in the first section of the course.
With our course you will:
Learn how to set up working environment
Understand language basics, develop your first JavaScript code
Get ready for web development with JavaScript or even building NodeJS applications!
Move on to more advanced topics like Object Oriented Programming
The course is being improved live based on our students\' feedback!
Enroll now and get special offers for upcoming courses.
Category: Development / Web Development
What are the requirements?
This course is for learning JavaScript from scratch
All you need is to download a text editor and node.js
And of course time and desire to learn JavaScript
What am I going to get from this course?
Over 29 lectures and 5 hours of content!
Learn how to set up working environment to become a JavaScript developer
Understand language basics, develop your first script in JS
You will be ready to go further into OOP with the knowledge of this course
What is the target audience?
You don\'t need any knowledge in programming.
JavaScript introduction
Intro to JavaScript
Intro to JavaScript lanugage
JavaScript Environment setup
You will learn how to install environment for programming in JavaScript
Variables and basic operations
Variables in JavaScript
You will learn about using variables in JavaScript
Types and `typeof` operator
We will learn types of variables with examples, and how to use \'typeof\' operator in JavaScript
Basic operations with numbers
We will se what operations we can make with numbers.
Basic operations with strings
Using strings in JavaScript
Basic opertaions with booleans
We will see what operations we can make with boolean variables (true, false).
Basic JavaScript logic
Controling flow: `if` and ternary if
IF is one of the most powerfull logical thing in programming. We just need to investigate it in details now!
`Switch` - choosing between multiple options
We will learn when and how to use SWITCH operator in JavaScript
Loops: `while` and `do while`
I\'ll show how to use WHILE loop effectively with examples.
Loops: `for`
We will learn FOR loop with details.
Breaking loops
We will learn how to have more control over the loops in JavaScript - skip some iterations or brake loop, ignoring the stop statements.
Objects in JavaScript
Objects: basics
We\'ll dive into object definition and use in JavaScript
Objects: nested objects
Diving deeper into objects, more fine control of them.
Primitives vs Objects
You will learn the differences of how JavaScript treats primitive data types and objects.
Arrays in JavaScript
Arrays basic
You will learn how to initialize array, edit and output elements and values.
Arrays - methods Push, Pop, Shift, Unshift
You will learn most useful methods to work with arrays in JavaScript - Push, Pop, Shift, Unshift
Arrays - add and remove elements
You will learn how to add and remove elements from the middle of an array
Arrays - more useful methods
We will learn some more usefull methods to work with arrays:
How to take few elements from the middle of an array without changing the original,
How to concatenate several arrays,
How to transform from string to array and backwards
Arrays - more about internal structure
This is an optional video. You have learned a lot how to work with arrays. In this video we will speak about an internal structure of an array to better understand it.
Type casting in JavaScript
Type casting - basic
We will learn how to make a JavaScript type casting operation - conversion a number to a boolean, and why we need such operations.
Conversion values to boolean in JavaScript
We will work with conversion of values to boolean (explicit and implicit) in JavaScript. Why we need this, how to make this effectively.
Converting to strings
How to convert different data types to strings, why? All the answers to these questions are in this lesson.
Organizing your code with functions in JavaScript
Basic syntax of functions in JavaScript
Introduction to functions. You will learn basic function syntax and why function can be used in your program.
Functions - using arguments and keywords
Learn to pass data into the function and get back result. In this lesson you will understand how to use arguments, return keywords, multiple return keywords and absence of value
Practice functions
In this lesson you will write your own functions based on provided examples with arrays.
Functions - using arguments object
Advanced view of arguments object in JavaScript is a way to access all the arguments passed to a function. Learn to use them in this lesson.
Functions are objects
In this lessons you will print \"Hello\" and add properties because you can do it just like with objects. You will also learn syntax features for calling and referencing a function.
Passing function as an argument to other function
In this lesson you will find out how to pass a function as an argument to other function and how to call it.
Tests for control
Control your JavaScript skills now
18 questions

این فیلم آموزشی اوریجینال بوده و به زبان انگلیسی ساده و روان ، در محیط نرم افزار و قابل درک برای همه تدریس می گردد

قیمت : 10000 تومان

روش خرید: برای خرید "آموزش JavaScript از ابتدا برای تازه کاران" ، پس از کلیک روی دکمه زیر و تکمیل فرم سفارش، ابتدا محصول یا محصولات مورد نظرتان را درب منزل یا محل کار تحویل بگیرید، سپس وجه کالا و هزینه ارسال را به مامور پست بپردازید. جهت مشاهده فرم خرید، روی دکمه زیر کلیک کنید.

1-روی دکمه خرید پستی کلیک نمایید.
2-فرم مربوطه را به صورت کامل و صحیح پر نمایید.
3-سفارش خود را درب منزل از پستچی تحویل گرفته سپس هزینه را پرداخت نمایید.

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آموزش JavaScript از ابتدا برای تازه کاران

کلمات کلیدی :ابتدا برای تازه you will learn work with arrays برای تازه کاران basics develop your can make with language basics develop develop your first زبان انگلیسی ساده تازه کاران موزش will learn you will learn how this lesson with arrays work with موزش javascript ابتدا برای javascript learn course function section programming
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شما میتوانید از این تگهای html استفاده کنید:
<b> یا <strong>، <em> یا <i>، <u>، <strike> یا <s>، <sup>، <sub>، <blockquote>، <code>، <pre>، <hr>، <br>، <p>، <a href="" title="">، <span style="">، <div align="">
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